Medan, and its international airport, is the transit place for most touristic places in North Sumatra.
After arriving in Medan, you can go directly to Singkil, or spend a few days wandering around the town... Medan is not a favourite place for tourists, but it has some old buildings (Maimoon Palace, Mesjid Raya, Tjong A Fie Mansion, Kesawan Street), and shopping areas where you can find cheap items.
How to get from Medan to Singkil
Before leaving Medan, be sure that you prepare your cash... The ATM machine in Singkil only serves Mastercard, and it's often offline or out of cash...

From Medan, there are 2 options to go to Singkil:
- By Plane
There's flight to Singkil every Friday by Susi Air. The ticket fare is around 200.000 rupiahs. It departs from Medan at around 10 am, and will depart from Singkil to Medan on the same day, around 12 am - 1 pm.
Note that flights may be cancelled without notice. And the plane schedules usually change every year.
- By Car
There are travel cars that goes from Medan to SIngkil every night, around 9 pm. The car costs 140.000 rupiahs /person, but you will need to add 150.000 rupiahs / care (not per person) if you want to be picked up directly from Kualanamu Intl Airport, Medan. you also can charter the whole car, costs around 750.000 rupiahs (add 150.000 rupiahs if you want to be picked up in the airport).
Please feel free to contact Mr. Darmawan (Banyak Island Travel) to arrange your car and/or speed boat: +62 0813-6017-0808(e-mail: ). He can arrange the car to Bukitlawang or Lake Toba too.
You can also charter a car for 75.000 rupiahs
Please feel free to contact Mr. Darmawan (Banyak Island Travel) to arrange your car and/or speed boat: +62 0813-6017-0808(e-mail: ). He can also arrange the car to or from Bukitlawang or Lake Toba.
From Singkil to Sinkandang
To get to our island from the mainland, you can go directly or transit by Balai island (much cheaper)
From Singkil, you can reach Balai (the main village of Banyaks) by ferry, traditional wooden boat, or speed boat.
- Ferry
Ferry operates 2 times a week (ask the schedule to Mr. Darmawan), the ticket costs around 25.000 - 60.000 rupiahs, depends on the class. It takes 5-6 hours to go to Balai from Singkil, but it's the safest option.
- Traditional wooden boat
Traditional wooden boat operates every day around 9 am (ask people in the jetty if the boat is going to Balai.. sometimes it departs to another village called Haloban, far away from Balai). it's about 35.000 - 40.000 rupiahs/person. It takes around 3-4 hours to go to Balai. if there's storm, most likely the boat wouldn't depart and you will have to stay overnight in Singkil.
- Speed boat
If you have a confortable budget and want to save time, speed boat is the best option. It just takes 1,5 hours from Singkil to Sikandang island, where our bungalows are located. The average price now is around 2.000.000 - 2.500.000 rupiahs. It's expensive as those boat suck gasoline like crazy.
The island of Sikandang lies about 1,5 hours away from Balai(the main village of the Banyaks) by traditional wooden boat, or just 15 minutes if you take a speed boat!
One night in Singkil

If there's storm and you have to stay overnight in Singkil, there are some hotels along the way to the jetty:
- Sapo Belen
20 m from the main road, it's a traditional house equipped with antique furnitures. Visit for reservation.
- Bidadari Hotel
Jl. Pelabuhan Ferry. Phone: +62 0812 6362 1213. 8 rooms with attached bathroom, TV; Price: with fan: Rp. 100.000. With aircon: Rp. 150.000.
- Island Hotel
Jl. Bahari, Pulo Sarok. Ph: +62 0813 6221 8369. 16 rooms with Attached bathroom, aircon or fan: Rp. 70.000-150.000.
- Monalisa Home Stay
Jl. M. Taher Ujung. Ph: +62 0658-21417, hp: + 62 813 9721 0778. 16 rooms, no attached bathroom, fan: Rp. 40.000-60.000. With restaurant.
- Melly Home Stay
Jl. M. Taher Ujung Singkil. Ph: +62 0658-21453. 9 rooms, no attached bathroom, fan: Rp. 30.000. with restaurant and travel. Good information about boats to Pulau Banyak.
- Harmonis
Jl. Merdeka, Pasar Singkil. Ph: +62 0658-21122. 12 rooms, with Or without attached bathroom, aircon or fan: Rp. 35.000-150.000.